Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Is This A Sign?
It was the night before the Messaih game and all through the lot. There was a long line of videogame geeks lined up to buy the next version of #$#@...
Okay, so here is the story. I was coming home from the Phillies games around midnight on Monday when I noticed a line of hoarders, or video game geeks rounding the corner of Suburban Square shopping center (or shopping center near my pad.)
There was a teen named Shea (The Mets were in town by the way. ) controlling the crowd and wearing a uniform of the video game store I buy my used wii games at. I quickly surveyed the crowd, there were only two females in the lot and the rest were born in the nineties at the latest. I could assume that none of them have a life but we both know what happens when you do that. (Hi Clan)
My only question to you the audience or reader(s) is what does this say about our country. Should we be afraid for the future of the youth represented in that line last night? There may be future or current politicians (Student Government counts)
I realize at my ripe old age of 39. ( I won’t be 40 till December!) That I am becoming more cynical with every hour. I also realize that I am good at taking the have out of a situation and perceiving matters from an unbiased point of view. So let me ask you this question? Should I hover under the bed and look for World War III. Should I go out there and protest, protest, protest or should I simply close the article and see if there is any work to do at Peppercorn’s today.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
My Best Friend Ed.
When Ed and I first me about five to six years ago I was living on my own in West Chester. I was still recovering from my mother’s 2001 death. I was suffering from overwhelming anxiety at the time and had no social life to speak of. Now I am living on the main line, working at the best job I’ve ever had in my life and even enrolled in Eastern University. Ed has been with me through all this and while I am not claiming that his friendship is the main cause of my recovery. I am claiming him to be a consistent cog in the machine that got me to where I am today.
My hobby is writing movie reviews so I was asked to write this article. I am up to 830 movie reviews (written mostly in the past three years) and post them up online on my blogspot almost every day. My major at Eastern is Journalism and I am already published in the school newspaper. Ed has been my most consistent fan through the years of not only my wring but also all my attempts to improve myself.
While we do not meet as often as we wish we get along like gangbusters when we do met. We seem to agree on almost everything and even have the same sense of humor. Often we will just talk on the phone but I look forward to our conversations nonetheless. Our friendship has gotten stronger over the years and I even go as far as using him as a personal reference on my job applications. He claims to get as much out of our friendship as I do. I don’t know where I’d be with out him and value our friendship as if it were gold. I only hop others get as much out of their friendship with their compeer friends as I do with mine.
Monday, September 9, 2013
The Diabolical Brutus Cain
Married to Lady Samantha Sweetwater
She is a dancer
Billionaire landowner
Immortal believes him self to be invulnerable
He is A Barron
Super strong
Amalgam version of Cain and Brutus
Created in Lab like Frankenstein’s monster
Cursed with immortality after watching his wife die and not able to do anything about it
In a wheel chair at time of tragedy
He never sleeps
He is intelligent but psychotic
He wears a mask to cover hideous burns on face
Determined to end world so everyone is miserable.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Let Go and Let God
As Children bring their broken toys
with tears for us to mend,
I brought my broken dreams to God,
because He was my Friend.
But then ,instead of leaving Him
in peace to work alone,
I hung around and tried to help
with ways that were my own .
At last I snatched them back and cried,
"How could you be so slow?"
"My child," He said "what could I do?
You never did let go."
Author Unknown
Friday, September 6, 2013
Christmas Memories
It is Christmas 2008. My 35th year on the planet. Yesterday was my birthday I had a lot of fun. This expose is a article on the best Christmas presents I’ve ever received or given on such a festive day.
Presents I’ve Given: The most fun present I gave was fun because of the hints I attempted to give my sitter to help her differ the contents of the poorly wrapped morsel. The gift in question was a black and white autograph style photograph of a very famous actor.
I bought it at the Granite Run Mall. It was a picture of a man my sister’s currently devote and all too cherished man. He was dressed in Star Wars garb and donning the smile of Han Solo. I kept repeating “I know” what the gift is. Attempting, rather poorly, to put obvious accent on the word choice of “I know”.
The elusion was to his final line in my favorite movie scene accompanied by my beloved score, and delivered in top notch dead pan method. I obviously failed miserably to mimic the young space pirate because Christina was completely clueless as the contents of the still wrapped package.
Adding further more to my seemingly piss pore movie mimicking ability. She hadn’t a clue as to what I was eluding to so many times since I bought it on thanksgiving day weekend.
The best gifts received: These are the ones you don’t expect to get in the first place. For instance on year I was given a shot glass and alligator key chain form a very beautiful young girl at work (UPS) She was engaged to another man but gave me some thing because I surprised her with a gift certificate the day before.
The startling young lady in question was betroved. The lucky man was named Matthew (or Matt) she spoke of him often and even on one day refused to speak to me or even look at me because of my name.
Another gift I still have and which remains near to me to this very day. Is the mask adorned above every door way of every main entrance I ever entered since Stacey gave it to me so many year ago.
My all time unexpected gift was a totem pole looking mask. A lot has happened since I opened my cherished prize. Stacey (the source of the gift) has met her husband and got married. Just don’t ask where she met him and we will be fine. Oh yea, by all means don’t ask her her married name or you may have conniptions. Just let me sat that I tell the story to people every year at the 1st week of June and people are always astonished in awe.
The best gift I ever received: It was a trip to the local laser tag or Photon studio. For those of you are in the dark; photon was all the rage in the 80’s it was the most popular sensation at the time and the thing to do if you were an anybody.
Alas, with my rotten luck the palace burnt down due to a cigarette or electrical fire or something. We never did defer the truth of the whole scenario. My sister got an alleged gift certificate or claimed she was going to. I cant remember all the details it was long time ago in galaxy far uh never mind.
Just yesterday I got an amazing 21st Century present. It is a photo via Facebook of my friend and namesake. Matt Osteen and Kara Davis (sharp dresser) were arm and arm. I was asked to join in. I must put that down as new profile pic as soon as I’m done writing down this new “journal” entry.
My most cherished Christmas memories: One comes immediately to mind a young 4 yr old running into his grand mothers (my Aunt) screaming “where is the birthday boy.” I was at the door as he entered.
The best over all Christmas memory: I must say it is the one I’m living right now. I am overwhelmingly satisfied with my life. I have found a fantastic church a great job and some wonderful friends both through church and both jobs to boot. There are others (sources of friends) so. But lets not go into too much detail.
I got the most wonderfully thoughtful and appropriate gift this year for my birthday ( a whole day before) it was a Office ware filling box. The tabs were in order of movie categories it was to file my many movie review in. I put a few in there today. I have a system I transfer them to my new Microsoft Office, E-mail the file to my G-mail account and print them free of charge on the office PCs. I even met a skinny young lady doing so. Her name was Kym with a “Y”. I may be back Monday morning.
The Voyage of the 29th
It was the Best of Times it was the worst of Times, You can Call me Ishmael, a long time ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away, Nah none of those work, They all have that been there done that before feeling, Besides that they are plagiarism. I mean after all I don’t want to sue me on my first Novel. I like to make things my own so I‘ll therefore create my own unique opening. I’m not saying it will be as epic as any of those last three but I like it anyway. Who know I could be the next Steven King, Heck I’ll even settle for Stephanie Myers (we are after all the same age) either way both authors are known for babbling on (like this opening paragraph) and on in their writings and both quite frankly are rather horrifying.
Ok here it I after a long wait my not so opening paragraph. I remember when my family doubles in size over night. It was actually before I was born, 27 years before I was born if you want to get fancy. That is right I am 37 soon. That will mark the 65th anniveary of the date I am and have been refereeing too through out this entire opening. If that fact and that fact alone bring about the end of the world does not bring the end to the world as eluded o in the Mayan calendars (hi George) I don’t know what wiill. I mean seriously if the world can out live the 65th anniversary of the 1st ever meeting between our two co vacationing clans.
Let me explain what I mean by that you are probably saying o yourself who the Hell are these two families. They are names of my two families. Not my wife family and mine. (I am after all single at age 37.) They are not even the names of my Fathers family and my mothers. My last name is obviously Di Zebba. You can see that on the opening page. (or book cover If I ever get published) They are the names of my mother’s family and my other family. Since my parents were divorced before I turn 4. I don’t really consider the Dorinson my family. I say this for several reasons. My parents were drastically different in age. (13 years to be exact. There is another scary sttitis or fact the 13-year difference in my parents’ age along with the fact they are divorced. Witch may be the reason they got divorced tin the first place.
My First Crush.
I was in sixth grade the first time in your life when you realize girls aren't icky but instead get an entirely different story when you are around them. The object of my affection was Kelli Harmon. She had long brown hair blue eyes and a very thick southern accent.
It was the kind of accent that would either turn you off or make you melt. For me the latter was the affect.
I was very shy at that time and didn't really have the cuts to tell her how I felt about her. Everybody else in the sixth grade knew it though so did a few of the teachers and staff members. The two most important people who knew were my rival Eric Burrwell and Jamie Cox Kelli's best friend. I told Jamie of my crush on Kelli because I knew I could trust her, and also because she was always to talk to. Jamie is not the one who blew my secret, it instead was Eric Burrwell. He told Kelli one day of my crush. He did it right in front of me making no attempt to be the least bit subtle about it. That through was not the most crushing blow. For Kelli handled it well and we became the best of friends.
The more embarrassing situation happened when I wanted to improve my friendship with Kelli to something more. Whatever that was in the sixth grade. I taped one of my favorite love songs for her and brought it to school. I was going to give it to her in history class the only class we had together that year. History class was right after lunch. That was the longest morning of my life. The tape I made never got to her. I left it in my book bag before lunch. I was to hungry to remember to take the tape out of my bag, and to young to think to give it to her during lunch. Eric Burrwell however did not forget about the tape. He stole it from my book bag and turned it in to Ms. Harris. Who promptly played it to the entire class during lunch. She said it had no place in school and that she did it to teach me a lesson I however strongly disagreed.
Kelli never spoke to me again. She ignored me for the rest of the school year. She didn't return my phone calls she even stopped talking to Jamie for the role she played in our friendship. The following year we went to different schools I never saw Kelli again.
A Triple Murder Score
Three Discovered Dead at Local Store
By: Morris Walker
Trumpeter Writer
It was a wild and ironic scene at a local grocery story last evening. There were at least three employees found dead at the scene, as others remain unaccounted for. Officer R.J. Wild was first to respond to multiple 911 calls made late last evening. When Officer Wild came on to the scene it was apparent things had gone very, very, wrong.
"All I know is the shit hit the fan and things got out of hand before I got there." While reports are unclear it seems like the bodies of William "Iceman" Heart, Heathcliff Jon Westwing as well as possible murdre Morris Walker were shot time and time again as a lone gunman opened fire in his home store. The name behind this alleged assailant is rumored to be that of Morris Walker (No Shit Tech) and recently named Best Bagger in District 9.
"We are still not sure if it was a dispute over a bagging contest or if Mr. Heart just said something to infuriate the alleged assailant." says A. Kullolli crime scene investigator for people who don’t know any better. " I feel like I know these people for some reason." The order of the shots is still unclear. All investigators know is Walker opened fire on himself after making swiss cheese out of his other two cohorts.
That is right, Swiss Cheese much like the product sold in this store’s corner deli. The bodies of both Heart and Westwing were riddled with bullet holes and found dead in two different sections of the store late last night. While Heart's body was found near register "2". Westwing was discovered in the back of store crawled up into a human ball near produce section's emergency exit. Police can only surmise that he was headed for back door without realizing the door in question was bolted close.
A small cart was found mere inches away from the victim’s body and Mr. Westwing's possessions lay within this cart. Investigators can only assume why there were so many footprints found in a circle near this crime scene. With three dead and several more unaccounted for it seems like it may be some time before "The Truth" can be uncovered.
My Dream in Early March!
A newlywed husband gets into the back seat of a mint green car. He has in his hands four cups of coffee. He is is talking as he opens the back door. “I told you weren't going to get anywhere honey.” The traffic is at a standstill.” He then looks to the front of the car. “You’re not my wife! What happened?!” Some lady just changed lanes into the fast lane without looking she was instanonisly hit. The ambulance just carried her off seconds ago.” The passenger said.
The husband panics and realized the driver in question had to be his wife. He grabs the cell phone and calls 911. He gives his wife's name the year model and color of the car and even what mile marker they are on on the highway in question. The receptionist tells him his wife is still in transit. They don’t know anything and his best course of action would be to come down to the hospital right away.
The car he’s now riding in is being driven by a young man and his wife in the passenger seat. The husband/ driver explains that where he has to go is just as important as his wife’s accident and that he can’t possibly he take him to the hospital.
The protagonist of the dream proceeds to tell the driver how wonderful his wife is. He describes beauty and then tells of all her charity work . The entire time he realizes that he is getting further and further the hospital. His wives’ life on the line he knows time is precious and that he must turn around.
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