Monday, December 22, 2014
Ode to Elton John
He has written and composed the soundtrack to one Disney’s most successful films. He also wrote a touching tribute to one of Hollywood’s’ most Iconic legends. Last but not least he brings to life some of the most adorned love songs in history.
A sorry lady not only is he taken, HE IS GAY! He just got officially married this weekend ad “Tweeted” his marriage to the world. Little Jeannie, Kiss the Bride, and Candle in the Wind. After four decades of hits He is still standing strong.
He has teamed up with Kiki Dee, Tim Rice, and Billy Joel to sell write love songs, concerts, and soundtracks. His name is a known to all and this honky cat even wrote a song that shares the same name with my feline favorite feline.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Kidnapped for Christmas
Allow me to introduce myself. I am a forty-year- old bachelor who has never had control of his life. As a child I was raised by my mother and sister. My parents were divorced when I was very young. As a result I had a “Bossy Big Sis” whom told me what to do as long as I can remember.
As I said in the opening paragraph I am 40. My sister is still in charge of my life and I don’t have the power to do anything about it. I am currently out of work and making money as a free lance writer. My sister knows this. As a result my plans for the upcoming Christmas holiday are to come see her in New York City and I am told I will enjoy it OR ELSE!
I don’t mind being the “inferior sex” as I wrote before. I was raised by my mom and sis. I love them both very much. I just wish I had control over ANYTHING in my life without being bossed around by a female.
Oh by the way I wrote an entire novel (on this very computer) about the Women’s Soccer Team I covered at a local Christian college. I finished at this college on top when THREE count them three ladies asked me out to the “Senior Ball”. I live in an apartment complex where crews full of beautiful women and one male) are a few feet away. These awesome powerful ladies more or less run the entire “small city like complex.
You must understand my confusion…In the Christian world we worship the Father, Son, an d Holy Spirit. At least two of those are male by name or title. The 3rd is up for interpretation. I however go to a church where there is a head female pastor and this is the founding church of the college I described earlier. `
So I don’t really mind being “Kidnapped for Christmas” I just wish I had an ounce of control over my life. Alas I am not even married (yet). I have heard my MANY married men that they have no control over their lives either. So I had better just get used to it.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Batman: The Cobblepot Caber
This game is fairly addictive. I play it online from Digiseek. I have gotten as far as Stage 3 but can’t get further.
I like the Penguin with an “electric whip” in his umbrella. He is a menace to society so rid the world of him ASAP.
This game is a lot of fun and VERY addictive. I am betwwen jobs right now and play it EVERY DAY.
< b>Grade A (for Addictive)
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Stranger Conversation
Definition: (Term) This is the type of voice interaction or talking with a person in public you do not know from a can of paint. This does not include married couples or family members that live in the same house that simply do no speak to each other for various reasons.
I know it is an overused cliché’ but opposites attract. For instance. Last night I spent the evening in a bar listening to recently wed young ladies speak of their new husbands.
The reason I know they were recently married is the rocks on their perspective fingers were still glowing and looked as if they were placed there for the first time less than 48 hours ago.
#1 The married one was speaking of her newly acquired husband, saying that NO ONE in his family speaks to him and I wanted to inject for several reasons.
First off there is usually a reason why an entire group of people stops talking to a particular individual. Most of the time it has to do with the “less than spectacular” behavior of the person in question.
I kept my moth shut in order no to get kicked out of the coffee house I was in at the time. I also did desire to spoil her “Honeymoon”.
The above is just one example of my topic for the day. The others are much shorter stories that do not involve five paragraphs to tell.
I remember one day …
#2 It was a long time ago in a video arcade far far away. I was playing Super Mario Brothers in an arcade in California where I graduated high school.
I was playing the game for the first time and had some “stranger” looking over my shoulder explaining to me how to play the game. At one point I won the Mushroom of Growth and the Star of Immunity and this man was telling me what each did.
“The star will make you immune to ANYthing that happens to you!” he explained almost gleefully. A few seconds later I fell of a cliff and died. (at least Mario did.) “Except that!” the odd man joyfully pointed out.
I felt worse than my ill-fated one inch tall animated charater. For Mario had three more lives and will not remember that moment years later. (Dead men have no memories!) I on the other hand I still have nightmares of that day over two decades later.
Okay so I lied the second story took five paragraphs as well. You never know by the time I finish these tails of woe and glory I may have completed my SECOND completed novel.
#2 There was another time when I was living in West Chester…
I was at one of my local hang out’s a local bar names “The Green Clover” and I was discussing fianacess. This is a topic you usully don’t broach to strangers but alsas there is an exception to every rule.
I was pointing out that I make money without working and I theraratically could “Quit my Job” and make ends meat. The man next to me jumped into the conversation and agreed with me. We both agreed life is boring without working and that is why we work.
There are other benefits to not working as well we both said almost in unision like medical benefits and keeping out of troulble. Just remember the old saying. “Idol hands are the devil’s advocate.
Ironically I am now in deep water for I have not worked in a few months and I now can not afford my much needed mediacation. That medication and the reason I can make money with out working are ironinallly linked. That however is another story.
#3 This one is short I promie. I was in a bar in West Chester called The Balarney Stone. I sat next to a blonde. She said “I’m married. Incase that’s what your thinking.”
My response was priceless. “I’m thirsty.” I repalied. In Case that is what you are thinking.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Duke Vs Brady
Duke Vs Brady
The Rerun Debate
As children my sister and I debated over a lot of things. Some of them were pettier than others. One of the things we disagreed on was what show to watch after school ended and mom and dad were not home from work yet.
At times the “debates” became so fierce that our parents considered let us “fight it out” in the backyard and turn the survivor into the local orphanage for a handful of magic beans. (or something like that)
My sister insisted on viewing the Brady Bunch. I preferred to enjoy The Dukes of Hazzard. While both of these two often referred TV shows have a lot in common but alas they are at the same time complete opposites.
If you have ever read my BlogSpot you’ll discover I am a movie critic. I have critiqued over 1,000 movie reviews and been writing almost since these two shows were on TV.
So I will branch out in this BlogSpot entry and attempt to end the longest debate known to man, or at least to my sister and I.
What they had in common
• They both were about “Family Values”
• Both were remade into movies
• Both shows had titular characters
• Both had legendary cars driven
• Both are used in metaphors
Aka: A Brady Bunch Rerun
A Dukes of Hazzard car chase.
How they were Different
• The Dukes of Hazzard was one hour long.
• The Brady Bunch 30 minutes.
• The Dukes Ran Seven (7) seasons
• The Brady Bunch Five (5) seasons
What Shows We Agreed on…
For there were two shows that we argued on it is kind of fittig that there were THREE Show we watched together during this time of early sibling rivalry.
Those three shows were Charlie’s Angels, M.A.S.H., and C.H.I.P.’s. While one of them might seem like a girly show and the other more aimed at boys since Police officers and car accidents were the main spoil of the show. Perhaps the most promising is the one that was about war.
While war is NEVER a good thing it is perhaps a GREAT topic for a TV show. This particular gem not only lasted longer than the actual war, there were more episodes in the half hour comedy than days in the war itself.
The other hour long “cop” drama seemed “girly” at best. The three protagonists and lead character were female. They kicked but and took names and left chaos in their path. The cast kept changing it seems and arguably the most popular “Angel” only stayed on for the first season.
She married another TV show leading man and thus became Mrs. Millon Dollar or The Fall Gal.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
The Difference Between Green Arrow and Green Lantern
First off, let me point out that I am a HUGH comic book fan. It is the source of my excellent vocabulary, the inspiration of this latest entry on my blogspot and the reason I still watch Saturday morning cartoons. (If they still existed.) Alas, they do not so I am writing this on Saturday morning instead.
There are advantages to both you see and since it is a beautiful day outside. (cold but beautiful) I will start off with the positive. If you have ever read any of my e-mails you must realize that the word Robin is part of my e-mail address.
The reason I like Robin is because he is a superhero that has no powers and must rely on other things such as his intelligence, strength of mind and his gadgets to overcome diversity and defeat the bad guys.
That is why I prefer Green Arrow. He has no ‘Super Powers’ was born here on Earth, and his strength of character is his biggest asset. I will admit that he is a “Borrowed” version of Robin Hood and therefore not terribly original, but who cares. After all it is written in the first chapter of Genesis that there is nothing new under the sun so let’s get on with the next paragraph.
There are some advantages to Green Lantern however. First off he can fly, how epic cool is that? Secondly, the scope his power or power ring is only limited by his imagination. In other words if he can think it up it can happen. This in many ways makes him the ultimate comic book hero. In Comic books the sky is nearly the limit for what can occur in its pages.
That above mentioned fact is another reason why I prefer The Green Arrow. Since comic book characters are ageless and last as long as their fan base does why not stick to just one person donning the mask of power. (or potential)
For with every group we have our winners and our losers. I personaly would rather be a Hal Jordan than a Guy Gardener. While I am a HUGH fan of alliterations there are some that are just EXTREAMLY ANNYOING!
The powers behind DC Comics (They created both.) can destroy the world many times over and rebuild it all with in the same weekly publication. I have been a comic book fan for years and seen many Armageddons and epic disasters and life still goes on the DC Universe as well as my world too.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
I Live Beneath Statler and Waldorf
In case you have not figured out from the title I am a hugh fan of The Muppet Show. I grew up with Jim Henson’s characters coming into my home via the television every week. My favorite characters were the two ‘old-man’ hecklers whom sat in the balcony and made bad and bad puns after “every” performance.
As a result my I became an amateur movie critic. I have been panning movies for years now. I have written over 1,009 such cinematic critics. Now at the ripe old age of FORTY, I have the personifications of such cloth characters living in the apartment above me.
The first time I met them they offered up this wonderful piece of information…
“We are not gay!” old man #1 stated without prodding. “We are two heterosexual men living together living together.” He finished.
I was shocked I did not ask for that piece of information nor did I assume they were. I have no prejudices against such things. My mother and sister taught me to accept all people, big and small, ugly or beautiful, and even odd or even. (There are TWO of them by the way. Hence an EVEN number.)
I have an outside entrance in an apartment complex where most residents must walk down a common hall escape the insanity of the outside world and relax at home. I have a “private” outdoor entrance. So as a result I cannot enter or exit my bachelor pad without walking under their balcony.
It seems that these two residents spend A LOT of time on thus balcony. As a result I cannot escape cabin fever without them knowing my comings or goings. They ALWAYS ask me annoying questions about my interests, my destination, or my sex life. (Ok, the third one is an exadadoration but you get my point.)
I will admit praying to the man above. I am devout Christian whom just spent some time at a local Christian College. While taking classes there I worked on the school newspaper and became a movie critic thus biweekly publication. I stopped taking classes a while ago but I am still involved in its founding church two years later.
As I said before I am a follower of Christ, so a result we are taught to “love our neighbors”. Well in this case I make an exception! Most people complain about their families, gripe about their jobs, and wine about weather. A lot of Christians pray to the “Man upstairs”. I can relate to these people for I do so every day.
My mother taught me to be unique, and my sister is an English teacher so she taught me to be a writer. (Hence, the reason for this story.) I pray about the mEn upstairs. They drive me crazy, make me insane, and force me to stay indoors as much possible where even my cat is tired of looking at me. (I love you Nikita!)
Sunday, October 5, 2014
1989: What A Year In Football (For Me)
I like many men a fan of football. I lock myself in my apartment and if anyone calls me in the middle of a Philadelphia Eagles game it had BETTER BE IMPORTANT! Oh yea, I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia and spent time as a sports writer at a local Christian college.
You may be confused then by the title of this “article”. Let me explain, I LOATHE the Dallas Cowboys and it is considered sac religious to even mention a Texas football team in these here parts.
Alas, I make an exception in this case. I used to live in the state of Texas. So I became a fan of the college football team named the Aggies. (Texas A & M University) They are the team that lives, breathes, and dies football.
This team even has ‘Midnight Yell Practices’. (The name is self-explanatory.) EVERY evening during the college football season the ENTIRE student body of Texas A & M University drops what they are doing and walks down to their home stadium named Kyle Field and screams their heads off for the next few hours.
In Texas football is a religious experience. In Texas you are “allowed” to skip church on Sunday, just as long as you watch football that weekend.
It does not matter if it is a high school football team in your back yard on Friday; a beloved college football team such as Texas A & M, Baylor, or even if desperate those UGLY texas longhorns. (YOU HAVE TO BE REALLY DESPERATE to cheer for them!) The Tennessee Titans who once played as the Houston Oilers would be a better Texas football team to cheer for then the UGLY, DEPLORABLE, longhorns.
I am a former stepbrother of not one but two Texas A & M graduates. Our parents may have gotten divorced. I may have even lost my mother who was married to thus aforementioned A & M father but the Aggies are alive in my heart forever.
I even purchased a personalized Texas A & M T- shirt via the Internet that was complimented in a nearby coffee house from an adorable young Barista with the same name as my mother.
Most people had A Big celebration a decade later. You know they partied like it’s 1999. I decided to get things done ahead of time. I partied an entire decade earlier. People always tell me that I am far ahead of my time.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Orgins of Expressions (NOT MINE)
>> In George Washington's days, there were no cameras.
>> One's image was either
>> sculpted or painted. Some paintings of George
>> Washington showed him standing behind a desk with one arm behind his back
>> while others showed both legs and both arms. Prices charged by painters
>> were not based on how many people were to be painted, but by how many
>> limbs were to be painted. Arms and legs are "limbs" therefore
>> painting them would cost the buyer more. Hence the expression "Okay, but it'll
>> cost you an arm and a leg,"
>> ******************************************************
>> As incredible as it sounds, men and women took baths
>> only twice a year! (May & October) Women always kept their hair covered
>> while men shaved their heads (because of lice and bugs) and wore
>> wigs. Wealthy men could afford good wigs. The wigs couldn't be washed so to
>> clean them, they could carve out a loaf of bread, put the wig in the shell
>> and bake it for 30 minutes. The heat would make the wig big and fluffy,
>> hence the term "big wig." Today we often use the term "here comes the
>> Big Wig" because someone appears to be or is powerful and wealthy.
>> ******************************************************
>> In the late 1700s many houses consisted of a large room with only one
>> chair. Commonly, a long wide board was folded down from the wall and
>> used for dining. The "head of the household" always sat in the chair while
>> everyone else ate sitting on the floor. Once in a while an invited
guest would be offered to sit in this chair during a meal whom was
>> almost always a man. To sit in the chair meant you were important and in
>> charge. Sitting in the chair, one was called the "chair
>> man." Today in business we use the expression/title "Chairman,"
>> ******************************************************
>> Needless to say, personal hygiene left much room for improvement. As a
>> result, many women and men had developed acne scars by adulthood. The
>> women would spread bee's wax over their facial skin to smooth out their
>> complexions. When they were speaking to each other, if a woman began to
>> stare at another woman's face she was told "mind your own bee's wax,"
>> Should the woman smile, the wax would crack, hence the term "crack a
>> smile." Also, when they sat too close to the fire, the wax would melt
>> and therefore the expression "losing face,"
>> ******************************************************
>> Ladies wore corsets which would lace up in the front. A tightly tied
>> lace was worn by a proper and dignified lady as in "straight laced,"
>> ******************************************************
>> Common entertainment included playing cards. However, there was a tax
>> levied when purchasing playing cards but only applicable to the "ace of
>> spades." To avoid paying the tax, people would purchase 51 cards
>> instead. Yet, since most games require 52 cards, these people
>> were thought to be stupid or dumb because they weren't "playing with a
>> full deck."
>> ******************************************************
>> Early politicians required feedback from the public to determine what
>> was considered important to the people. Since there were no telephones, TV's
>> or radios, the politicians sent their assistants to local taverns, pubs
>> and bars who were told to "go sip some ale" and listen to people's
>> conversations and political concerns. Many assistants were dispatched at
>> different times . "you go sip here" and "you go sip there." The two
>> words "go sip" were eventually combined when referring to the local opinion
>> and thus, we have the term "gossip."
>> ******************************************************
>> At local taverns, pubs and bars, people drank from
>> pint and quart sized containers. A bar maid's job was to keep an eye on
>> the customers and keep the drinks coming. She had to pay close attention
>> and remember who was drinking in "pints" and who was drinking in
>> "quarts." Hence the term "minding your "'P's and Q's.
The 70’s What A Great Decade for Movies and Music
Let’s start of in the late 70’s, 1977 for instance. The movie theaters saw such hit movie like Disney’s Pete’s Dragon, Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and George Lucas’s Star Wars. All three of them were spectacular movies with majestic music accompanying them. For Pete’s Dragon it was Helen Ready’s Candle on the Water that not only won her an Oscar (for best song) but also only served as a lighthouse to her already bright career. Close Encounters and Star Wars were both mega hits for legendary composer John Williams they earned him Oscar nods for both. He won for Star Wars.
Saturday Night Fever also hit theaters in 1977. This soundtrack was the pinnacle of success for the Bee Gee’s. It is to this date one of the best selling soundtracks of all time. The now seemingly dated hit songs were then fun to dance too and easy to remember. John Travolta was the marquee name in this very dated hit musical. He was the stereotypical macho man, whose hair you didn’t dare touch.
Just one year later In 1978 Mr. Travolta returned to the silver screen where he again starred in a musical; named Grease. In this film he actually courted Olivia Newton John and danced around a funhouse singing (Yes singing,) of his love for her. He didn’t sing or dance again until dressing in drag 29 years later for a remake of Hairspray. Both Hairspray and Grease have Broadway and big screen connections.
Moviegoers in 1978 also saw a popular pop culture icon soar unto the big screen. Superman is well known as the first comic book charater Superman: The Motion Picture earned John Williams another Oscar nomination for Best Original Score.
The longest running film series of al time is The James Bond series. Roger Moore donned the tux of British super spy 007 in 1973. Paul McCartney’s Live and Let Die was the titular theme song for this piece. It won an Oscar for Best Original Score.
Only four years later Moore made his third Bond film; The Spy Who Loved Me . This movie had a memorable opening theme song too. Carly Simon entitled the song Nobody Does it Better. This song in many ways became the theme music for the entire series in subsequent 007 tributes.
The big screen was not the only venue to see popular music make a big boom in the 70’s. Mike Post legendary Grammy winning composer was known for his many hit TV theme song throughout the decade. He debuted done of his first television theme songs in the 70’s. This theme song was for a TV show called C.Hi.P.’s. C.Hi.P’s was popular in 1977 and it lasted six seasons with this theme music.
PBS made TV history as well in his decade. The Electric Company taught many kids to read with a pulsating, reverberating theme song. There was actually two (theme songs) brought to life in this half hour broadcast. Remember the Spiderman comic book skits.
Finally let’s talk about music heard on the radio. Billy Joel and Elton John both started their careers in the 70’s. They both released greatest hit albums in the early 70’s. Both Joel and john sing and write their own songs. They both have hit careers lasting over three decades and are well renown in the 21st century.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
The Confrintation
She slowly crawled into the room she could feel the sweat dripping down her neck. The hair on her arm stood straight in the air. She knew he wasn’t far behind. She listened for his footsteps in the outside corridor. She prepared her self for their final confrontation. She stuck a small knife in the boot of her shoe. She stripped down to her tank top and jean shorts. She stuck a small handgun in the back of her pants. She tightly gripped a baseball bat her profusely sweating hands.
She was ready. She would take no more. She prepared her self for the last meeting. She heard his footsteps nearing her door. She felt a lump in her thought as he began to knock. The only thing she could hear was the sound of her beating heart. Slowly she opened the door. It creaked as she did so adding tension to the already morbid sitiuation. She starred at him for a second d he penitrating green eyes burning right through her. He spoke but a single sentence.
“So you ready for our date?!”
Sunday, June 15, 2014
The Cat Who Came for Dinner. (And stayed forever!)
Allow me to introduce myself. I am a 40-year-old bachelor who just recently finished time at local Christian college. I obviously live off campus and as a result young ladies tend to drop a cat or kittens off in my apartment.
I am a sucker for a pretty face and I have owned three cats in my lifetime. I am good therefore with the feline species. I am knowledgeable in cat savoir-faire. Oh yea, I am stupid, gullible, and cannot say no to a lovley young lady to save my life. I am not sure there is any man who can.
So here I am a 40-year-old man with a cat in my possession. She has belonged to me for nearly a year now. She has a place in my heart, a spot on my bed, a made a hole in my wallet. Nevertheless she is a part of me.
I speak of her whenever I leave the house. Each morning I try to “sell her” to the coffee house girls I see in my backyard. I pretend to complain about her, try to pan her off on anyone who will listen, but the truth is she is mine to keep.
I wake up each morning with a cat curled up beside me and know that she has won my heart. I just wish I knew a way to keep her from following into the bathroom, or prevent her from watching me as I take a bath.
Her given name is Nakita. She answers more often to “Dipstick” however. Either way I love her. She can often be found on or around my bed each night, and is always there to proof read EVERYTHING that comes out of my printer.
Her favorite activity is jumping into whatever chair I want to sit in a few seconds before I get there. When I pick her up and move her to another location she pretends to get angry and hides in a paper grocery bag in the corner of the room.
She then jumps out of the bag as I walk by and grabs my ankles with her paws. I call them ‘ankle hugs’! Her tail is active as she does so I know she loves me.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Dream on Philly Dream on
Earthquakes, Hurricanes, what next locusts? Speaking of natural disasters the Eagles season starts on Sunday. Their first two games are on the road against the St. Lois Rams and Atlanta Falcons respectfully. Game one should go easily to the Eagles but the 2nd of those games is in primetime on Sunday night. This is the game the gives me the most angst. Since it is Michael Vicks first time back to his old haunt of Atlanta. He will be playing with emotion and that could be his biggest strength or most crushing default.
The Falcons won their division last year at 13-3 and went into the playoffs as the #1 seed. There will be more than statistics on the line however there will be passion. Michael Vick wants to prove to his former team he is better off without them and that he has turned things around. What better way then to prove his worth than on the football field?
The Eagles first home game is versus the Giants. Who can ever forget the last time we met and that remarkable comeback in the forth quarter in the Giants brand new state of the art Meadowlands stadium? We should sweep the hapless Giants this year.
The problems I see are in the AFC games the Eagles play. This year they are matched up against their geographical rivals the AFC. Who had the best division in football last season. Their last place team finished 7-9 and only because they were in that hard fought division. This division is made up of the Jets, The Patriots, The Dolphins and the Bills. These teams may be some trouble for the birds.
They also play every team in the NFC worst er West. Who best team and division winner made it into the playoffs with a 7-9 record. It was the first time in NFL history a losing team won their division or made it in to the playoffs. This division should be no problem.
The next biggest challenge I see is the Eagles lone Monday night appearance. They play Da Bears on November 7. The Bears made it to the NFC Championship game last year. They finished last year with an 11-5 record one game better than our 10-6 division winning record but with a significantly harder schedule.
The Eagles play the Bears on Monday night in week 9 two weeks after our bye week. The reason I point that out is because The Eagles are undefeated after their bye week under Andy Reid. The Cowboys are their opponents or should I say foes after that aforementioned bye week. Even after they defeat the Cowboys. (Notice I did not say if.) They will still be drained both emotionally and physically when taking on the visiting Bears. Hopefully they can blow right by the team from the windy city. You never know the extra day to recover may do them some good.
The Eagles as well as the rest of the sports writers out there are expecting success in the playoffs. I all I have to see to them is this. Dream on Daniel dream on. The Eagles will see not lions with eagles wings or bears on one side. You may see Chicago again however but they will be standing on both feet. Furthermore they will probably be well rested after winning the NFC North and getting the first round bye in the playoffs.
My prediction is this. The Eagles will finish 11-5. Weather or not they win their Monday night bought against Chicago should determine if they get a first round bye in the playoffs. First Round bye or Not I se them losing to Atlanta. Revenge is a dish best served cold after all and if the do manage to get home field Advantage throughout the playoffs (which they should by the way) it will be very cold in January in Philly. The Falcons will be getting their revenge after getting whooped bye us in week 2. Sorry guys I have lived in Philadelphia too long to predict them winning it all this year.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
The Ugly Yellow Chair
There lies an ugly yellow chair in Broomall. It is best swept under the rug like my emotions, faith, and, feelings.
My uncle sits on it from time from time and he ponders if I am still righteous.
It belonged to his mother who’s departed. Her name was as beautiful as she was.
The chair much like me is partially protected from the storm of emotions. It’s on a porch where none remembers it.
I know how that chair feels. I am lonely too, my faith is departed me, and I much like the chair feel forgotten.
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