In a word, valuable. That’s what precious means to me, as in worth it 100%. This film was worth it 100%. Yes, my friends and fellow readers I can stand the violence and profanity if the storyline come across so clear and precise. That was the case in this movie.
The acting was phenomenal. From start to finish every role was played magnificently. Gabourey Sibide was golden in her portrayal of the titular role. By golden I mean Oscar nominated on her big screen debut. She shone in the spotlight and deserved to be seated amongst the best like Sandra Bullock and Meryl Streep on Oscar night.
This film shone as well. It put the spotlight on domestic violence and told that is does happen so very close to home. What also hits close to home is the heartstrings plucked during this 109 minutes epic film. It was poignant, tear jerking and heartbreaking all at the same time. You are put through a flood of emotions during the aforementioned 109 minutes.
This is one of those movies that will stick in your craw for a long time. It is not one easily forgot nor should it be. It is powerful and magnificent and deserves all the accolades it got. I will not forget it anytime soon and hopefully you wont either.
Grade A+
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