Friday, September 6, 2013

Christmas Memories

It is Christmas 2008. My 35th year on the planet. Yesterday was my birthday I had a lot of fun. This expose is a article on the best Christmas presents I’ve ever received or given on such a festive day. Presents I’ve Given: The most fun present I gave was fun because of the hints I attempted to give my sitter to help her differ the contents of the poorly wrapped morsel. The gift in question was a black and white autograph style photograph of a very famous actor. I bought it at the Granite Run Mall. It was a picture of a man my sister’s currently devote and all too cherished man. He was dressed in Star Wars garb and donning the smile of Han Solo. I kept repeating “I know” what the gift is. Attempting, rather poorly, to put obvious accent on the word choice of “I know”. The elusion was to his final line in my favorite movie scene accompanied by my beloved score, and delivered in top notch dead pan method. I obviously failed miserably to mimic the young space pirate because Christina was completely clueless as the contents of the still wrapped package. Adding further more to my seemingly piss pore movie mimicking ability. She hadn’t a clue as to what I was eluding to so many times since I bought it on thanksgiving day weekend. The best gifts received: These are the ones you don’t expect to get in the first place. For instance on year I was given a shot glass and alligator key chain form a very beautiful young girl at work (UPS) She was engaged to another man but gave me some thing because I surprised her with a gift certificate the day before. The startling young lady in question was betroved. The lucky man was named Matthew (or Matt) she spoke of him often and even on one day refused to speak to me or even look at me because of my name. Another gift I still have and which remains near to me to this very day. Is the mask adorned above every door way of every main entrance I ever entered since Stacey gave it to me so many year ago. My all time unexpected gift was a totem pole looking mask. A lot has happened since I opened my cherished prize. Stacey (the source of the gift) has met her husband and got married. Just don’t ask where she met him and we will be fine. Oh yea, by all means don’t ask her her married name or you may have conniptions. Just let me sat that I tell the story to people every year at the 1st week of June and people are always astonished in awe. The best gift I ever received: It was a trip to the local laser tag or Photon studio. For those of you are in the dark; photon was all the rage in the 80’s it was the most popular sensation at the time and the thing to do if you were an anybody. Alas, with my rotten luck the palace burnt down due to a cigarette or electrical fire or something. We never did defer the truth of the whole scenario. My sister got an alleged gift certificate or claimed she was going to. I cant remember all the details it was long time ago in galaxy far uh never mind. Just yesterday I got an amazing 21st Century present. It is a photo via Facebook of my friend and namesake. Matt Osteen and Kara Davis (sharp dresser) were arm and arm. I was asked to join in. I must put that down as new profile pic as soon as I’m done writing down this new “journal” entry. My most cherished Christmas memories: One comes immediately to mind a young 4 yr old running into his grand mothers (my Aunt) screaming “where is the birthday boy.” I was at the door as he entered. The best over all Christmas memory: I must say it is the one I’m living right now. I am overwhelmingly satisfied with my life. I have found a fantastic church a great job and some wonderful friends both through church and both jobs to boot. There are others (sources of friends) so. But lets not go into too much detail. I got the most wonderfully thoughtful and appropriate gift this year for my birthday ( a whole day before) it was a Office ware filling box. The tabs were in order of movie categories it was to file my many movie review in. I put a few in there today. I have a system I transfer them to my new Microsoft Office, E-mail the file to my G-mail account and print them free of charge on the office PCs. I even met a skinny young lady doing so. Her name was Kym with a “Y”. I may be back Monday morning.

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